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The Complete Guide to Gun Safety at Home

Gina Skeim • Oct 13, 2021

What is Gun Safety and How to Prevent Accidents in the Home

Gun accidents are not uncommon. It is important to know the right way to store guns in the home.

The safest way to store a gun is unloaded and locked up in the home. The person who has access to the key should be someone who does not use guns on a regular basis, preferably with minimal training. Guns should also be stored away from children and teenagers, as they are more likely to mishandle them.

How to Keep Your Family & Home Safe

In the United States, there are an estimated 265 million guns in private hands. This doesn't even include those that are in the hands of law enforcement or military personnel. In a country that has as many as one gun for every person, it's important to know how to keep your family and home safe from harm.

It is important to keep guns stored in a safe environment for protection. A gun safe provides the best protection for these weapons and it is an investment that pays off well.

We see that there are two main types of gun safes: portable and fixed. Portable safes are created to be movable, which makes them perfect for those who need to carry their weapon with them at all times (e.g., security guards, hunters). Fixed safes, on the other hand, are typically installed in the floor or wall and provide more storage space than portable ones (e.g., families with an extensive collection of firearms).

Type of Gun Safes

Colorado Safes offers many different varieties of safes to not only keep your family safe, but to also accommodate the wide selection of guns that you need to store. You will find many different height and storage specs on each of our safes so you can be sure that you are able to store your firearms efficiently. If customization is your top priority, talk to one of our experts. Our experts will be able to suggest the right brand, safe series and configuration for you to create your very own custom safe.

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